Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Script, He Says!

Yes! I've finished a script for the opening. Although, four pages long, it should suffice for the time limit I'm looking for. I cannot seem to find a way to upload it to Blogger, however, so I will have to summarize. 

The running title for the film is "Out of His Mind", which tells the story of three best friends going on a cross-country escapade throughout America in the Summer of 1974. The three compatriots, David, Bradley, and Charles, head of to Olympic National Park for a congregation of teenage masses to partake in the happenings there. After a stroke of genius by Davie, whom takes sixteen tabs of LSD all at once, he goes ballistic. His trip makes him burst into a feral rage, ripping his clothes off and beating up random teenagers, including Charlie. 

After finding Davie passed out in a thicket of dead trees and flowers, Charlie and Brad know what they have to do. They must venture to Arizona and find Markus, an acquaintance of theirs whom had cured Brad's older brother after he had a massive trip which caused him to go blind during Woodstock. Though LSD has no side effects like blindness or comatose, they know Markus can somehow cure it. 

When they eventually get to Markus and have Davie woken up, he cannot remember who he is. Markus explains that he cannot restore Davie's memory but maybe going backwards on their cross-country road trip could trigger Davie to remember himself and his friends. Charlie and Brad think this is the best idea and head out to redo their trip with a more-than-confused Davie in tow. 

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